Museum List Updated

Check out the new page of violins you can visit in Museums around the world.  This is located along with the Book Shelf page in the Resources section.

I’ve added 16 museums from around the world bringing the total to 38.  The interactive Google map has been updated and check out the individual links for each museum.  These list the address, website and often the most interesting instruments in a collection, such as the page for the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England.

Revenge of the Busker

In 2007, Joshua Bell executed an anonymous busking experiment near a L’Enfant Plaza Metro station at rush hour.  It was arranged and reported on by Gene Weingarten of the Washington Post in an article called “Pearls before Breakfast“.  Bell performed for 43 minutes, and included Bach’s D minor Chaconne, on his ‘Huberman’ Stradivari violin.  This filmed social experiment was widely reported in the media, due to its spectacularly sad result.  Seven of approximately 1,000 people who passed stopped to listen, and his busking earned $32 and change.


The seemingly spectacular failure of a world famous violin and world class violin music on a mutli-million dollar instrument to draw an appreciative crowd propelled the story into the media.  But, keep in mind the setting, the cloths worn by Bell and the timing were set to make as challenging an environment as possible.  I would argue though that this speaks more of modern culture on a whole than classical music.

But Joshua had his revenge!  As a rebuttal, the ‘busker’ played a free concert in Union Station with far better results.


Note: There is an anonymously written and slightly inaccurate account of the original event that has been circulating, if you’ve see that one, then you may want to read this by the original author.